Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Healthy Fail

With my New Years Resolution to Eat better, and my love for treats, I thought "Hey self, why don't you try making something DELICIOUS, but not as bad for you." I came across a recipe for "Skinny Funfetti Cupcakes" From Six Sisters.

It looked really simple, all you need are these 5 ingredients. 
1-Baking Cups
2-Funfetti Cake Mix
3- Sprite Zero
4-Cool WHIP
5- Sugarfree Vanilla Pudding Mix

But they turned out awful. The "frosting" (frosting my behind..) looked and had the texture of scrambled eggs.
SOOOO, if you make them tell me what I did wrong okay?
Sweet, thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I still ate 2! Keep trying new things. Don't give up.
